
Saturday, March 9, 2019

The Cure for Death by Lightning

Gail Anderson-Dargatzs masterpiece, The Cure for Death by Lightning, recounts the story of Beth Weeks, a fifteen-year-old living on a farm dear a reserve. Throughout the story, Beth has to endure different kinds of ill-treatment as considerably as an invisible predator who seems to be following her. Through her struggle, the reason reveals that a character, despite being abused, and having to live in difficult conditions chiffonier evolve into a board and trusty young woman. Beths knock againsts, as well up as her choices throughout the novel, help her over pay back her difficult locating and congeal a stop to the abuse shes sledding through.Firstly, nigh encounters Beth has in the story help her surmount the difficult conditions she lives in. Specifically, her encounter with Nora packs her more than determined and more inclined to stand up for what she wants. The following make out pure illustrates that quite an clearly Im expiration to see Nora tomorrow, I said. W hile Dads out in the field. He doesnt have to know. Youll stay here, she her mother said. I need your help. Ill do the break and then Ill go. You can tell him or non. Ill run by and by hes gone out for lunch and come back before supper. You will not leave this house. What ar you going to do to stop me? (Page 162) It is important to note that Beth is informing her mother of her plans and not seeking out her permission. Following their encounter, Beth and Noras relationship evolved into a very(prenominal) intimate friendship that means a lot to Beth. As a result, Beth is more determined to stand up to her parents to maintain that friendship. She decides to fight for what she wants rather than bow her head and obey without protest. That builds up her strength of character and make her stronger when confront with other conflicts. By the same token, Beths encounter with Nora make her little of a follower and more of a participant.Indeed, Beth, who is well-nighone who doesnt m ingle ofttimes, is brought out of her shell thanks to Nora. In the following extract, Beths eagerness to participate to the winter house project Nora proposes is obvious We could groom it, I Beth said. Hang some(prenominal) things up the wall. (Page 131) In brief, following her encounter with Nora, Beth has become a much more determined and much less secluded character. That change helps her stand up to her fears more and make some difficult choices that she may not have been able to make without that input.Secondly, some choices Beth make throughout the novel help her evolve into the mature and responsible young woman she becomes in the end. For instance, her decision to quit school after her classmates bully her helps her detach from that disheartening environment. She can roam around freely in calming and peaceful places such as the one draw in the following extract At first, the forest was quiet. Then I began hearing the noises that made up the quiet trees aching, birds whi stling, someone chopping wood mien off. (Page 106)Quitting school turns out to be a rather therapeutic bear for Beth who can finally effluence to a place a few hours a day to unload the stress her difficult situation is big her. That enables her to be less stressed and pessimistic when faced with other conflicts. Similarly, Beths choice to stay home and not accompany Nora to Vancouver is a major(ip) decision that helped her resolve many conflicts. It is underlined in the following extract You going to come with me? asked Nora I shook my head and looked at the carpetbag she carried.Whatre you staying here for? she said. Your fathers coming back. You know he is. Its home, I said. I feignt know anything else. Youre never going to if you dont step out. I got things to do here first, I said. Ill go when Im ready. Anyway, Mum inevitably me now. In this extract, it is uncovered that Beth is choosing to stay and face her father, whom she has great conflicts with, and her problems head-on, rather than escape and avoid them forever. She chooses the right way instead of the easy way out. It unveils how much Beth has grown and how mature and brave she has become.Finally, it is obvious that Beths encounters, as well as her choices throughout the novel, help her overcome her difficult situation and put a stop to the abuse shes going through. These two factors are obviously very essential to Beths growth. Although I think that Beths development is due to her great bravery and strength of character, I dont think that she would have achieved such maturity if she hadnt been faced with the encounters shes been faced with, or the choices she had to make. The turn the events took definitely helped Beth become the mature and responsible young woman she has evolved in.

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